We believe in a world free from sexual slavery. Where courageous women and children can live in freedom as fully empowered daughters and sons of God.
Together, we can restore hope.
Since Project Rescue was founded in 1997, we’ve been on a mission to rescue and restore victims of sexual exploitation through the love and power of God. Each Project Rescue affiliated site is launched by courageous men and women of God, often starting with street outreach in areas of prostitution. No two partnerships are exactly the same, but all caregivers offer God’s love, liberating truth, and compassionate, holistic care. In each of the areas we serve, leaders and staff work 24/7 with survivors of sexual slavery and trafficking to support them on their journey toward restoration.
We believe life-changing rescue for sexually exploited women is not a momentary or part-time enterprise. Yes, miracles happen. But genuine freedom with hope for a different future and dignity requires an intensive long-term commitment. Our multinational network of partners are committed to seeing Hope restored in the lives of survivors of sexual exploitation.