Our Beliefs
Some Beliefs We Cherish...
1. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word to man and that it is the only sufficient authority and rule of our doctrine and practice.
2. We believe in a regenerated church membership and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is a prerequisite to church membership.
3. We believe that in the New Testament the candidate was taken to the water, not the water brought to the candidate; the candidate was placed in the water, not the water put on the candidate; so we believe in immersion only as answering Christ’s command of baptism and symbolizing the heart of the gospel message – death, burial, resurrection.
4. We believe in the responsibility of each member of the church to have a voice in its government, plans and discipline. A church is to be under the headship and authority of Christ, ruled by God’s laws and principles, led by the Spirit of God and kept in proper direction by the overseers that God places over it.
5. We believe in the freedom of the individual conscience; in the individual and personal relationship between God and man; in the voluntary principle, not the coercive principle, in Christianity.
6. We believe our purpose is to point others to God’s goodness by means of a demonstration and verbal testimony of that goodness rather than by arguing and striving over differences.
7. We believe every member is to be a vitally important functioning part of the church rather than merely a bystander and observer.
Our Location
Physical Address:
2244 Peridot St
North Pole, AK 99795